🏟 The Burl Fowler Stadium is officially REOPENING after updates and improvements over the summer. The Burl Fowler Stadium was given a fresh makeover with brand-new resurfacing and stripping. 🐻
over 1 year ago, Monett Schools
Burl Fowler is now OPEN!
We have several job openings! We are looking for an English Language Learner Paraprofessional, an administrative assistant for the SRTC campus, bus drivers, and more. Follow this link for details: https://bit.ly/3drEWOx
over 1 year ago, Monett Schools
We're Hiring! Open Positions ELL Paraprofessional, SRTC Administrative Assistant, Apply NOW, https://bit.ly/3drewox
Students from MECC and MMS collaborated in a multicultural literacy event where MMS students read books MECC students in their respective home languages, including Karen (Sgaw), Spanish, and English. This event provided an opportunity to celebrate different cultures and languages while promoting literacy among younger students. 📚
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Three students holding books in front of the M logo.
GO CAPS Monett students showcased their CAPStone projects during the end-of the year events called Mission Innovation. Students worked throughout the spring semester with business partners to solve real-world problems.
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
GO CAPS Students taking a photo standing in front of their logo.
It is hard to believe that the last day of school is next Wednesday, May 24! Next Wednesday will be an early release day. ⏰ Check out the dismissal times here: https://www.monettschools.org/article/1119907 🌞📝The first day of Summer School is Wednesday, May 31st.
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Last day of school Wednesday, May 24 First Day of summer school is Wednesday, May 31
Students in Advanced Art and Portfolio Art created exceptional two-dimensional and three-dimensional artwork. 🎨🖌
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Student working on three dimensional piece
Student working on drawing in two dimensional.
We have several job openings. Visit https://monett.tedk12.com/hire/Index.aspx to view the list of positions and requirements in the district.
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
We are hiring! Monett schools
Boys and Girls Track and Field take home the Monett Invite victory for the THIRD year in a row! Congratulations to all the players and coaches! 🎉🏆 Coaches: Jeff Piepenbrink, Kelly George Assistant Coaches: Josh Kleine, Melanie Mayberry
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Boys and girls wearing the Monett gear and holding the champs plaque on the football field.
🎉 Congratulations to our MMS Baseball team for becoming the Big 8 Champs three years in a row! ⚾🏆
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
MMS baseball Big 8 champs
Beh Meh 🎓 FUTURE PLANS 🎓 plan to attend MSU to get my Bachelors in nursing and then get my Master's degree at Western Kentucky University. I plan to become a nurse practitioner and a CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist).
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Beh Meh
Ms. Johnson's students went on a fun-filled field trip to the Dickerson Park Zoo this month! Students explored nature, saw amazing animals, and had a blast with their classmates!
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Student with a giraf.
Three students taking a photo by an animal statute.
Student on an animal statute for photo.
Student at the zoo watching the animals.
Today we celebrated teachers of the past, present, and future. Students dressed up as teachers to show their appreciation and support for all the outstanding educators who have impacted their lives. 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 Teachers are an integral part of our lives and communities, and we owe them a debt of gratitude for all they do. 💜💛
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Student dressed up as her teacher.
Student and principal.
Student dressed as a teacher.
Student dressed up as a teacher.
The Monett Middle School construction progress is making steady progress! 🚧 Each passing day brings us closer to a completed campus. It's exciting to see the transformation taking place.🏫
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Front of new MMS campus.
MMS gym
MMS library
MMS band room
MMS choir room
MMS science room
MMS cubs word on the wall
Ms. Wilson's students gained new skills in writing "how to" texts with plants as the topic. Students successfully planted seeds and bulbs by gathering all the necessary materials and following a step-by-step process. Not only did students do a fantastic job planting, but their writing turned out fantastic! Great job, students! 🌱🪴
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Students gathered around teacher in preparation to plant their plants in the soil the teacher is holding.
Exciting news! Today, our senior students received their caps and gowns in preparation for graduation. It's a special moment that marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. Congratulations to all of our seniors! We can't wait to see you walk across that stage! 🎓🎉
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Male student picks up cap and gown for graduation in the cafeteria. Student is wearing purple shirt.
Female student holds cap and gown for photo.
Two male student hold cap and gown for photo.
Male student holds cap and gown for photo.
Our kindergarten students are learning about the lifecycle of plants by planting marigold seeds at MECC. Our little ones were so excited to get their hands dirty and learn how plants grow from seeds. Students in Mrs. Williams' class learned about the importance of sunlight, water, and nutrients for plants to grow. ☀🌧🌱
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Student watering classroom plants.
Student getting dirt for her classroom plant.
🐄🌾👩‍🌾🧑‍🌾⛅️ MIS students are learning about MO Beef for MO Kids from Mrs. Mallory and the AG Business GO CAPS students. Students in Ms. Boykin's class learned that farmers have many responsibilities to ensure there is enough beef to feed everyone. Farmers manage a farm and engage in agricultural production, which includes growing crops and raising livestock, amongst many other responsibilities.
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Mrs. Mallory and GO CAPS student present about farmers.
Students are working on an activity about farmers on at their desk.
Reminder: Spring break begins tomorrow, Thursday, March 9, and ends on Monday, March 13. Students return to school on Tuesday, March 14. We hope you have a wonderful and relaxing break!
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
March Break No School Thursday, March 9 through Monday, March 13
We witnessed the cutest jam session in Mr. Brown's music class.💜 MECC students used maracas, tone blocks, egg shaker, and guiro instruments to make a beat together. Under Mr. Brown's direction, the students did a phenomenal job playing in sync. Introducing children to music at a young age has numerous benefits for their development, such as enhancing their motor skills and improving memory and concentration. Way to go, little musicians! 🎼
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Students with Mr. Brown playing music
MHS students participated in the MSHSAA Speech and Debate Tournament this weekend. Olivia Lynn and Matthew Batson qualified for the MSHSAA State Tournament on the MSU Campus in Springfield at the end of April! 👏👏 MSHSAA Districts Results: 5th Place Duo Interp.- Olivia Lynn & Gavin Hagerman 4th Place Informative Speaking- Pyper Williams 6th Place International Extemp.- Gavin Hagerman 6th Place Original Oratory- Olivia Lynn 2nd Place Prose- Matthew (Blaze) Batson (State Qualifier) 1st Place Storytelling- Olivia Lynn (District Champion, State Qualifier)
almost 2 years ago, Monett Schools
Four students holding their Speech and Debate medals
Two students holding their Speech and Debate Medal.