June 23, 2020 Thank You!

We want to take a moment to 𝗧𝗛𝗔𝗡𝗞 𝗬𝗢𝗨 for your continued support towards Monett R-I Schools.

We have collected $8,543.85 from churches, businesses, and generous people who want to help. We still have a ways to go to pay for all student lunch debt. We are grateful to be part of a town that genuinely cares about each other. If you have donated money to help cover student lunch debt, THANK YOU! Your generosity truly makes a difference!

During the Virtual Instruction Learning period, we were able to provide 77,524 FREE meals to students through the CACFP program sponsored by the Health and Senior Services. We were allowed to apply to this program due to the pandemic and federal waivers. If you see our kitchen staff or volunteers, please thank them for their service and dedication to students.

For more information on the CACFP program, follow this link: https://health.mo.gov/living/wellness/nutrition/foodprograms/cacfp/index.php#:~:text=The%20Child%20and%20Adult%20Care,for%20meals%20that%20meet%20minimum