Enhancing Emotional Well-Being in Schools: Grant from the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) Enables Innovative Support Initiatives

Enhancing Emotional Well-Being in Schools: Grant from the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) Enables Innovative Support Initiatives

In the second semester of the 2022-2023 school year, the Monett R-1 School District received a grant from the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors titled Supports to Advance Emotional Well-Being in Schools (NACDD). This grant has been instrumental in initiating a plethora of action planning, training, and resource acquisition from January to the present, with more exciting developments.

The grant funds have helped us implement the resources & initiatives listed below:

Grief Kits

With the grant funds, grief kits have been distributed across all counseling offices in the district. The kits contain books, activities, and resources to assist students and families in navigating through the grief process.

Calming Kits

Every PK to 5th grade classroom has been equipped with calming kits designed to foster social-emotional processing and learning. Additional kits have been assembled for 6th-12th grade counseling offices, strengthening the classroom community and supporting student success.

Upcoming and Ongoing Staff Support

Wellness Initiatives: On October 16, we are hosting a screening day featuring free short massages for staff by a professional massage therapist, raffle prizes including massage gift cards, and other self-care treats.

Informational Booths

On October 16, we will also feature various self-care-centered booths, including an NACDD (National Association of Chronic Disease Directors) booth providing an array of mental health resources specific to educators.

Gratitude Journals

In December, all staff members will receive personalized gratitude journals as part of our ongoing commitment to fostering well-being.

The National Association of Chronic Directors is a renowned organization dedicated to improving the public's health by strengthening its members' capacity to prevent and control chronic diseases. The Monett R-1 School District will continue to explore additional avenues to enhance the well-being of both our students and staff.