Oath of Office

Newly-elected  board members, (l. to r.) Mrs. Ashley Bailey,  Mrs.  Annie Smith, and  Mr. Jared Wormington took their Oath of Office before the reorganization session of the Monett R-1 Board of Education held April 18, 2023.  Mrs. Smith and Mr. Wormington, incumbents, served on the school board last year and Mrs. Bailey is taking a board seat for the first time.   They will serve a three-year term (2023-2026).   

We welcome back Mrs. Smith and Mr. Wormington and welcome to Mrs. Bailey!    We appreciate their willingness to serve!

Officers elected during the  reorganization of the Monett Board of Education :

President:  Mr. Ken Gaspar

Vice-President: Mr. Brian Hunter

Secretary :  Mrs. Lonna Kay Norman

Treasurer:  Ms. Tracy Wimberley

MSBA Delegate:  Mr. Ken Gaspar

MSBA Alternate: Mrs. Annie Smith