March 5, 2021
Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTC) will be held on Monday, March 8, through Thursday, March 11. Spring conferences mainly focus on students who may be...

February 19, 2021
Parents/Guardian, On February 11, 2021, the Board of Education held a special meeting to review applications and select two community members to serve on the Board for the rest ...

February 18, 2021
Roads have not fully cleared up for our buses to safely pick up and drop off students. We are having connected learning Day #4 on Friday, February 19th. We ho...

February 17, 2021
Monett Schools: Same message, different day. We are having day #3 of connected learning on Thursday, February 18th! If you would like to pick up a FREE breakf...

February 17, 2021
Social Media Policy
The purpose of the Monett R-1 Public Schools’ social media pages are to facilitate an ongoing dialogue on education issues. We encourage your comments; yo...

February 15, 2021
Parents/Guardian, The Monett School District will have a connected learning day on Tuesday, February 16, due to inclement weather and unsafe road conditions. Packets and devic...

February 13, 2021
The Monett School District Board of Education is pleased to announce the new members' selection for the vacant positions. Mr. David Beckett and Dr. Jerry D. Roberts have been sele...
February 13, 2021
We had a successful day of distributing devices and student packets across the district. At this time, we are not sure what the weather will bring next week. ...

February 11, 2021
The Monett School District is preparing for potential inclement weather next week. In the event of a snowstorm, connected learning (AMI: Alternative Methods...

February 10, 2021
Parents/Guardian, We are having Snow Day #3 tomorrow! We will not be in session on Wednesday, February 10th. Seated classes and connected learning are canceled! Stay safe out ...

February 9, 2021
We are having SNOW DAY #2 today! We are not having school on Tuesday, February 9th, due to slick road conditions. Seated classes and connected learning (AMI)...

February 8, 2021
Due to slick road conditions and impending weather, we are not having school on Monday, February 8th. Seated classes and connected learning (AMI) are canceled...

February 4, 2021
Parents/Guardians, and Monett Community,
During the February 3, 2021, special Board meeting, the Monett Board of Education named Dr. Mark Drake Superintendent of the Monett Sc...

January 22, 2021
Parents/Guardian, On January 21, 2021, the Monett School District accepted the resignation of two board members, Dr. Darren Bass and Mr. Jack Williams.
Dr. Medlin, Superinten...
January 20, 2021
Parents & Monett Community,
The Monett School District is pleased to update progress and share a new Middle School vision culminating from months of work. A large committee, i...
January 7, 2021
Monett Schools was approved to add two testing locations for COVID-19! Students will now be able to test at MES, CPE, MIS, MMS, and MHS. Students must have...

January 7, 2021
Monett Schools is in FULL SESSION today. Temperatures remain low, please remember to send your child to school with appropriate weather gear. We are excited t...
January 5, 2021
Dear Parent or Guardian:
Monett R-1 School Board Policy states, ”Starting no later than fifth grade, students will receive age-appropriate information and instruction on suicid...