October 2, 2020: Today is Custodial and Maintenance Appreciation Day! Our custodians and maintenance team have gone beyond their assigned duties to ensure our buildings are clean and functioning. This year has been challenging, especially for the custodial and maintenance team. When everyone was at home, they worked extra hours to fulfill all of the new requirements to keep our schools clean. We did not hear them complain once. They knew what needed to get done, and simply got it done. We are grateful to have an incredible custodial and maintenance team!
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
Custodial & Maintenance Appreciation Day
October 2, 2020: We are excited to announce we have a Virtual Calming Center! The Virtual Calming Center is a place for students, parents, and staff to take a mental break. It includes breathing activities, guided imagery, music, mindfulness, coloring, puzzles, and much more. A special thanks to Mrs. Gravett and the counseling department for creating an excellent resource! Make sure you save this link for future use! Link: https://sites.google.com/g-apps.monett.k12.mo.us/monettr1counselors/home?authuser=0
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
Virtual Calming Center
October 1, 2020: Mrs. Piepenbrink's students have been learning how to read physical maps, road maps, political maps, and weather maps. Students had the opportunity to choose a kind of map and create their own. Learning how to read maps helps students understand distances from one location to the other and apply these skills to real-life situations.
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
Mrs. Piepenbrink
Mrs. Piepenbrink
Mrs. Piepenbrink
October 1, 2020: We are hiring! We are looking for qualified applicants for a 3rd shift custodian. This position is a 12 month, 40 hours a week, hourly wage position with benefits. The third shift time is negotiable. Visit: https://monett.tedk12.com/hire/Index.aspx to see the full list of positions and requirements in the district. š—¦š—µš—®š—暝—² š˜š—µš—¶š˜€ š—½š—¼š˜€š˜ š˜„š—¶š˜š—µ š˜†š—¼š˜‚š—æ š—³š—®š—ŗš—¶š—¹š˜† š—®š—»š—± š—³š—暝—¶š—²š—»š—±š˜€!
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
We are hiring!
October 1, 2020: Miss. Rutherford's students have been busy working in reading stations. Reading stations can be adjusted to target different literacy levels and build confidence by giving them the responsibility to choose stations or where they want to work in the classroom.
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
Ms. Rutherford
Ms. Rutherford
Mrs. Rutherford
Ms. Rutherford
September 30, 2020: Mrs. Russell and Mr. Calhoun were twinning today! Great minds think alike! Monett Middle School
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
Matching Outfits
September 29, 2020: The New Site Baptist Church in Monett donated $500 to go towards our meal program. Each year, the Vacation Bible School chooses an organization to help by giving the offering they raise to that cause. This year, they decided to donate to our meal program and cover outstanding lunch balances. "It was great seeing the kids get excited about helping each other out. Everyone in the Vacation Bible School was behind the goal of raising money for the school lunch program." -š—–š—µš—暝—¶š˜€ š—§š—暝˜‚š—¶š˜š˜, š—–š—µš—¶š—¹š—±š—暝—²š—»'š˜€ š—£š—®š˜€š˜š—¼š—æ
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
Nes Site Donation
Genius Hour is CANCELLED for TODAY! Students will be coming home their regular method.
almost 4 years ago, Monett Intermediate School
Please make sure to remind your student to bring a water bottle every day! We are running low on our extras. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Monett Intermediate School
September 29, 2020: As students return from a three-day weekend, please continue doing a daily health screening before sending your children to school.
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
Daily Health Screening
September 28, 2020: Professional development consists of various activities, including collaborating to problem solve, attending educational conferences (online or in-person), workshops, participating in building or district discussions, independent research, or learning from peers. We strive to hire quality teachers and invest in the constant evolution of the art of teaching. We are an innovative community with continuous updates and a town full of cultures from around the world. Monett R-I is currently teaching students with different backgrounds and cultures, speaking up to 16 languages across the district. We never stop learning. Everything we do directly affects our students. Professional development helps teachers grow and meet students' needs as new educational and technological advancements become available.
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
PD Day
September 24, 2020: Students in Mrs. Gorman's class have been learning about explorers. One of their projects was learning how to make a compass. They used magnets to magnetize the needles, foam circles, needles, and bowls filled with water. The students enjoyed making something by hand that helped them with directions. Good job, Mrs. Gorman's class!
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
September 23, 2020: We are not having school on Monday, September 28, due to an in-service day for teachers. Fall is officially here; we hope you get a chance to unwind and enjoy this beautiful fall weather.
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
No School
September 23, 2020: Little Coach Earnest was spotted in last week's football game in full coach-mode. His dad is one of our high school football coaches. Little Coach Earnest is always ready to coordinate, instruct, and motivate the Monett High School, football team. He takes all duties assigned by Coach Earnest with pride and knows all football players by name and position.
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
Little Coach Earnest
September 22, 2020: A special shoutout goes to IDF for helping us stay healthy and safe. IDF donated a large sum of hand sanitizers for students and staff to use. On behalf of students and staff, thank you for your generous donation!
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
September 22, 2020: Check out our new Facebook cover photo!
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
Cover Photo
September 21, 2020: Today, we recognize and thank our IT Professionals for their dedication to students and staff. When our school district switched to virtual instruction in the spring, our IT Professionals rolled up their sleeves and got to work. Within a few days, they ensured all devices were ready for students to pick up. When we have technological issues, we know the tech department will have solutions. They are wonderful people to work with, and we enjoy having them around. They share great stories as they fix our tech issues and always leave with a smile. Thank you for being part of the Monett R-1 School District IT department.
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
Tech Dept.
Monday, Sept 21 is Dress Like a Pirate Day! (no weapons please!)
almost 4 years ago, Monett Intermediate School
Dress Like a Pirate!
Stuff the Bus is an annual event when local businesses and their employees come together to help provide school supplies. This year, 3D Corporate, Cox Monett, EFCO, First State Bank, IDF, and Jack Henry donated $2,000 to help with school supplies! š—§š—µš—®š—»š—ø š˜†š—¼š˜‚ š—³š—¼š—æ š˜š—µš—² š—°š—¼š—»š˜€š˜š—®š—»š˜ š˜€š˜‚š—½š—½š—¼š—暝˜! It takes a village to help students be successful!
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools
Stuff the Bus Check
Help us keep students and staff safe and healthy by doing a daily health screening before sending students to school! #monettr1
almost 4 years ago, Monett Schools