Dear Parent or Guardian:

Monett R-1 School Board Policy states, ”Starting no later than fifth grade, students will receive age-appropriate information and instruction on suicide awareness and prevention.  Information and instruction may be offered in health education, by the counseling staff, or in other curricula as may be appropriate.”

SOS, Signs of Suicide Prevention Program is an award-winning, evidence-based suicide prevention program that teaches students how to identify signs and symptoms of depression in themselves and their friends. This program also teaches students how to respond with the use of the acronym, ACT: Acknowledge, Care, and Tell.

At Monett Intermediate, we will focus on age-appropriate information including the above: Acknowledge, Care, and Tell as well as teaching students about their emotions.  The SOS program will be implemented through a classroom presentation by Mrs. Coffey and Mr. Williams, our school counselors, on the following dates:

5th grade January  12, 14, 15

6th grade January  26, 28

Following is a link to the program should you want additional information:


Peg Winfrey, Principal                                                    

Nicole Coffey and Jordan Williams, School Counselors